Btu Hr to Kw
This unit is often abbreviated as simply Btu which is the same abbreviation used for British thermal units a measurement of heat. KWh to BTU conversion How to convert BTU to kWh. Electrical Conversions したがってkWからBTU IT hrへの電力変換は次の式で与えられます. . The BTU per hour per square foot is a unit of heat flux density which is a US Customary and British Imperial units. We assume you are converting between Btuhour IT and kilowatt. P kW P BTUhr 3412142. Its symbol is BTUhft². The SI derived unit for power is the watt. So the energy in kilowatt-hours E kWh is equal to 000029307107017 times the energy in BTUs E BTU. We assume you are converting between Btuhour IT and kilowatt. Kilowatt-hour or kilowatt hour symbol kWh kW h or kWh is a measurement unit of energy. It is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities. One watt the International System of Units derived un...